Past events

Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Seminar

Facing demographic challenges: pension cuts or tax hikes?

Dr Chung Tran, Research School of Economics, ANU.

In this seminar Dr Tran will discuss policy options to mitigate fiscal pressure arising from an ageing Australian population.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Public Seminar

What's sex got to do with it? Gender and sexuality in Canadian tax policy

Professor Claire Young, University of British Columbia Law School, Canada.

In this seminar Professor Claire Young, an expert in tax law, will discuss her interest in the application of feminist theory to tax policy issues.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Workshop

New empirical research using administrative data

Miranda Stewart, ANU; Norman Gemmell, Victoria University of Wellington; Christian Gillitzer, Reserve Bank of Australia; Matthew Gray, ANU; Giorgia Maffini, Oxford University and others.

What really happens in the Tax and Transfer system? New empirical research using administrative data. A one day invitation workshop on research, data and evidence.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Seminar

Is the World Trade Organization a World Tax Organisation?

Dr Michael Daly, External Adviser, IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department.

Dr Michael Daly, a Geneva-based specialist in international trade and tax policies, will give this seminar on the World Trade Organization.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Roundtable

Renewing Federalism: Delivering welfare and health in a federal system

Professor Daniel Beland, Professor Miranda Stewart, Professor Peter Whiteford, Professor Adrian Kay and Dr Tracy Beck Fenwick.

The Tax and Transfer Policy Institute will host a panel and roundtable discussion with Professor Daniel Beland from Canada. He will join Director and Professor Miranda Stewart, Professor Peter Whiteford, Professor Adrian Kay and Dr Tracy Beck Fenwick with expertise on health and welfare financing and delivery in a federal context, drawing on historical and comparative experience where relevant for Australia’s contemporary context.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Forum

Renewing Australian federalism: starting the conversation

Dr John Hewson AM, Dr Alan Fenna, John Freebairn, David De Carvalho.

A panel of academic and government speakers will lead a debate on renewing the federation. The event will be chaired by Professor Miranda Stewart, Director of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at Crawford School.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Public Policy Week

Lunchbox debate: a resilient tax system for the future

Chris Jordan AO, Commissioner of Taxation; Professor Kerrie Sadiq, QUT Business School, Queensland University of Technology; Dr Richard Denniss, Executive Director, The Australia Institute; Paul Abbey, PricewaterhouseCoopers; and Professor Miranda Stewart, Director, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, ANU.

In this special lunchbox debate – one of the key events of ANU Policy Outlook 2014 – the Commissioner of Taxation, Chris Jordan AO together with a panel of experts will look at the challenges facing our tax system from administrative, taxpayer, practitioner, economic and political perspectives.

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Image by dany13 on flickr.
Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Seminar

A BRICS response to base erosion and profit shifting: the view from Brazil on international tax reform

Flavio Rubinstein, Professor at FGV School of Law and São Judas University School of Law, Brazil.

In this seminar Professor Flavio Rubinstein will discuss international tax reform from Brazil’s perspective.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Seminar

Tax and Transfer seminar series - Multinational firms, intellectual property and taxation

Professor Rachel Griffith, The University of Manchester.

In the first of the Tax and Transfer seminar series Professor Rachel Griffith will discuss what taxable profits represent, and what effects corporate taxes and proposed reforms might have on economic activity. Held at the Departmental Conference Room, The Treasury.

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Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute | Other

Tax and Transfer Policy Institute Launch

The Hon David Bradbury MP, Federal Member for Lindsay, Assistant Treasurer and Minister Assisting for Deregulation

The new Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at The Australian National University, announced in the recent Federal Budget, with an initial $3 million endowment and supporting cash and ongoing funding from ANU, will aim to answer the big questions for the country and region about tax and transfer systems.

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Updated:  16 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team