What's sex got to do with it? Gender and sexuality in Canadian tax policy

Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute

Event details

Public Seminar

Date & time

Wednesday 10 December 2014


Griffin Room, Level 1, JG Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU


Professor Claire Young, University of British Columbia Law School, Canada.


Diane Paul
6125 9318

Claire Young is Professor Emerita at University of British Columbia Law School, Canada, where she held tenure from 1993, and also was Senior Associate Dean and Associate Dean, Academic Affairs for many years. Professor Young is an expert in tax law who has a special interest in the application of feminist theory to tax policy issues, especially regarding family structure and the use of tax expenditure analysis as a critical tool.

She has visited Australia on a number of occasions including holding Visiting Chairs in Women and the Law, and a Parson’s Fellowship at the University of Sydney, and a sabbatical visitor at the University of Melbourne. Professor Young’s most recent publications include ‘Taxing Times for Lesbians and Gay Men: Equality at What Cost?’ (2014) and ‘Pensions, Privatization, and Poverty: The Gendered Impact’ (2011). Professor Young has consulted to many organisations including the provincial government of British Columbia and on the Gender Responsive Budget Project of the Joint Commonwealth Secretariat and International Development Research Centre (London).

Light lunch provided 12-12.25pm.

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