TTPI working papers

Gong, X, Freyens, B, Breunig, R, August 2024, Compatibility in personalities and non-cognitive skills, problem gambling and relationship dissolution in Australia paper no. 10/2024.

Hoy, C, Jolevski, F, Obeyesekere, A, August 2024, Revealing tax evasion: Experimental evidence from a representative survey of Indonesian firms paper no. 9/2024.

Biddle, N, July 2024, Towards an estimate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander human capital and how it is changing over time paper no. 8/2024.

Varela, P, Breunig, R, May 2024, Determinants of the economic outcomes of Australian permanent migrants paper no. 7/2024.

Ge, C, April 2024, Discretionary tax changes and the macroeconomic activity: New narrative evidence from Australia paper no. 6/2024.

Bakhtiari, S, April 2024, Centrality of government and universities to innovation in the United States: A social-networking analysis paper no. 5/2024.

Ross, I, April 2024, Non-compete clauses in employment contracts: The case for regulatory response paper no. 4/2024.

Zaresani, A, Olivo-Villabrille, M, Breunig, R, March 2024, Tax sheltering cost among high-income taxpayers: Evidence from an Australian tax policy change paper no. 3/2024.

Martinenghi, F, February 2024, Legal aid eligibility and court outcomes: a design-based double-machine-learning approach paper no. 2/2024.

Breunig, R, Hansell, D, Win, N, January 2024, Promotion in the Australian Public Service: Improvements for women and stagnation for cultural and linguistic minorities* (revised) paper no. 1/2024.

Broadway, B, Zhu, A, December 2023, Spatial heterogeneity in welfare reform success paper no. 19/2023.

Sinning, M, November 2023, Quantile treatment effects revisited: Uncovering the distributional consequences of a welfare experiment paper no. 18/2023.

Ranjan, M, November 2023, Understanding autism prevalence paper no. 17/2023.

Breunig, R, Hansell, D, Win, N, October 2023, Modelling Australian Public Service careers* paper no. 16/2023.

Tran, C, Zakariyya, N, October 2023, Uninterrupted growth, redistribution and inequality: The Australian case 1991-2020 paper no. 15/2023.

Abelson, P, Joyeux, R, October 2023, Housing prices and rents in Australia 1980-2023: Facts, explanations and outcomes paper no. 14/2023.

Tilley, P, September 2023, History of tax theory and reform concepts paper no. 13/2023.

Alexeev, S, August 2023, On non-robustness of income polarization measures to housing cycles paper no. 12/2023.

Johnson, S, Breunig, R, Olivo-Villabrille, M, Zaresani, A, August 2023, Individuals' responsiveness to marginal tax rates: Evidence from bunching in the Australian personal income tax paper no. 11/2023.

Kunz, J, Zhu, A, July 2023, Welfare reform and migrant's long-term labor market integration paper no. 10/2023.


Updated:  10 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team