Malcolm Turnbull's Taxing Times
11 February 2016
Poor strategy, weak leadership, a squandered opportunity? The tax reform debacle was all of those things.
Austaxpolicy Blog
2 February 2016
David Ingles and Miranda Stewart, "Tax White Paper: Our pension is too mean, our super tax concessions too generous?"
Austaxpolicy tackles taxing questions
14 December 2015
Tax and Transfer Policy Institute launches new blog.
What is tax reform for and what can it do?
8 December 2015
PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY LECTURE - Miranda Stewart, Professor and Director, TTPI. This paper is based on a library lecture given by Professor Stewart on 21...
Impact of BEPS on Australia's tax treaty policy
19 November 2015
The Tax and Transfer Policy Institute and the Australian Branch of IFA is pleased to host a seminar on the impact of the OECD/G20 BEPS project on...
Conference: Designing effective and innovative public policy in a complex environment
15 October 2015
The environment in which policymakers are working is complex and uncertain but the Australian government has an ambitious reform agenda, including for...
Tax and Transfer Policies and sex equality
12 October 2015
The Tax and Transfer Policy Institute and Gender Institute are pleased to co-host Professor Kathleen Lahey from Canada to give this public lecture on...
Tax State Resilience
15 September 2015
A transcript of Professor Miranda Stewart's presentation to the 124th Annual Henry George Commemorative dinner.
Future of Australia's GST: good design for the real world
13 August 2015
This conference brings together leading law design, policy, economic and administrative experts to debate the future of Australia’s GST in the real world.
Around the world, regulators are realising bitcoin is money
13 August 2015
Miranda Stewart on, the tax treatment of digital currencies is a challenge for governments around the world, as it is for other aspects of the “disruptive...
Updated: 9 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team