Budget Forum 2016
5 May 2016
Professor John Hewson, "This Federal Budget was crafted with multiple, sometimes conflicting, objectives".
Budget Forum 2016
4 May 2016
Dr Nicholas Biddle, "Whatever you think of the specifics, it is fair to say the 2014/15 Federal Budget was one of the most divisive and contentious in...
ANUpoll: Government's deficit dilemma with a confused electorate
27 April 2016
The latest ANUpoll shows that people would prefer the government to tax their way out of deficit rather than to reduce spending on social services....
Tax thought bubbles no real reform
6 April 2016
The profit-based company tax system is fundamentally flawed, writes John Hewson.
Austaxpolicy blog
22 March 2016
Dr Diane Kraal, "In 2016 we are seeing a continuation of low oil prices worldwide, which is negatively affecting the petroleum industry, but good news for...
Gender neutral policies are a myth: why we need a women's budget
17 March 2016
"Government policies are less effective, or may not succeed at all, if the different impact of men and women is not taken into account"
Austaxpolicy blog
29 February 2016
Dr Tracy Beck Fenwick, "Implementing a conditional welfare state: The experience of Brazil and Argentina"
Global responses to multinational tax planning and BEPS
25 February 2016
Professor Georg Kofler will present on the recent announcements by the European Commission of its response to the OECD-BEPS 15 Action reports released in...
Distributional modelling of proposed negative gearing and capital gains taxation reform
22 February 2016
TTPI Fellow, Associate Professor Ben Phillips -
In the 2012-13 tax year around 1.2 million persons were invested in negatively geared properties in...
Austaxpolicy blog
16 February 2016
Richard Eccleston and Neil Warren ask, "Should we consider state income taxes now that the GST is off the table?"
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