Boosting tax compliance in Indonesia using insights from behavioural economics

Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute
Image sourced from flickr by John Y. Can

Event details


Date & time

Tuesday 23 May 2017


Miller Theatre, Level 1, Old Canberra House Building 73, Lennox Crossing, ANU


Chris Hoy, University of Sydney.


Diane Paul
02 61259318

Indonesia only collects around 12 per cent of GDP in tax revenue and around 40 million people are estimated to be failing to meet their tax obligations. To address this challenge, a variety of ‘nudge’ interventions informed by behavioural economics are being trialled to boost tax compliance. These interventions have drawn upon what has been shown to be effective in a number of countries, such as the UK and Guatemala. This presentation will provide an overview of the evidence to date about how ‘nudge’ interventions have boosted tax compliance as well as presenting some innovative approaches that are being trialled in Indonesia. In addition, the challenges of implementing these types of interventions will be reflected.

Chris Hoy is studying his PhD in Economics and has over 10 years’ experience in the international development sector. He holds a Masters of International and Development Economics from Yale University. Before starting his PhD, Chris was a researcher with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) as well as having worked as an economist for UNICEF Uganda, the Australian Aid Program and the Australian Treasury. He has produced over 15 research papers on a range of topics related to poverty and inequality, including co-authoring papers with Stephan Klasen and Andy Sumner.

A light lunch will be provided from 12-12.15pm, please register your attendance at the registration tab above.

Updated:  17 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team