Looking forward at 100 years: where next for the income tax?

Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute

Event details


Date & time

Monday 27 April 2015 to Tuesday 28 April 2015


Barton Theatre, Level 1, JG Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU


Keynote Speaker: Professor Michael Graetz, Columbia University.


Diane Paul
02 61259318

Income tax. It’s having a birthday. Sydney Morning Herald – 28 June 2015, by Peter Martin, contributor Miranda Stewart

Program available here.

Speaker bios and abstracts available here.

Powerpoints and audio files available at download tab above.

The Federal Government has released its Discussion Paper on Tax Reform just as our income tax has reached its first century. The personal and company income tax have shown remarkable resilience and together have come to provide the lion’s share of tax revenues in Australia in the last 100 years. Today, the income tax faces new stresses from social and economic changes in the way that we work, save and invest and from the globalisation and digitisation of Australia’s economy.

Do we rely too heavily on personal and company income taxation? What role should the income tax play in Australia’s future tax system? What can we learn from the past or from new research in reforming the policy, law and administration design of our income tax for the future?

Papers will address the interaction of taxes and transfers on work, saving, and capital gains in the personal income tax; the role of income tax in the federation; the politics, administration and design of the income tax, and the future of business and company taxation, from diverse disciplinary perspectives in public economics, law, accounting, political science or public policy disciplines.

Confirmed international academic keynote speaker at this conference will be Professor Michael Graetz, of Columbia University, in the United States. Leading Australian presenters include:

  • Patricia Apps - view paper
  • Siobhan Austen
  • Valerie Braithwaite
  • Rob Bray
  • Geoffrey Brennan
  • Graeme Cooper
  • Richard Eccleston & Neil Warren - view paper
  • Chris Evans, Youngdeok Lim, John Minas - view paper
  • Mark Bowler Smith - view paper
  • Julie Smith - view paper
  • Antony Ting
  • Richard Vann
  • Andrew Leigh MP
  • Angus Taylor MP
  • Rob Heferen

The conference will run from 9am - 5.30pm on Monday 27 April and 9am -2pm on Tuesday 28 April 2015. This event is open and free for registration but with only a limited number of places available to the public. Please register your interest to attend the conference with diane.paul@anu.edu.au.

Diane will confirm your attendance by return email in early April.

Updated:  16 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team