Argentine economy in the long run and the formation of federal finances

Crawford School of Public Policy | Tax and Transfer Policy Institute
Image sourced from flickr by Celine Harrand

Event details

Public Lecture

Date & time

Thursday 25 October 2018


Weston Theatre Level 1, JG Crawford Building #132, 1 Lennox Crossing, ANU


Dr Miguel Angel Asensio


Diane Paul
+61 2 61259318

The Argentine economy deserves considerable attention from a historical perspective. It is a peculiar case since, while it was relatively successful in the early twentieth century, its economic performance proved mediocre and declined in the last decades of the same century. Considering such a controversial trajectory and in light of contributions from domestic and international observers, some classic comparisons, with countries like Australia, Canada or Brazil, can offer renewed interest and engender new questions. The first part of the seminar will reflect upon Argentina’s experience compared to these other countries.

The second part of the seminar will review how the modern day system of public finance arose in Argentina. Given diverging regional interests and conflicts, the formation of federal finances followed a complex trajectory until the establishment of a ‘Fiscal Pact’ in the middle of the nineteenth century. This evolved over time, with many other transformations, until the emergence of the modern-day model of revenue sharing. The principles inherent within the modern day model are reflected in the provisions of the last Constitutional Reform, undertaken in 1992.

Miguel Angel Asensio is Doctor in Economics (Alcalá University, Spain) and Doctor in History (Torcuato Di Tella University, Argentina). He also holds degrees in economic sciences (UNL and UNR, Argentina) and is Undergraduate and Graduate Professor of Economic History and Public Finance (UNL and others) and Director of Public Administration Doctoral Program (UNL). He was Fulbright Scholar at University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA), visiting Professor in Canadian Universities and consultant for World Bank and Organization of American States. He is a Member of Asociación Argentina de Economía Política (AAEP) and Federalism Intitute (Córdoba), Former Secretary and Minister of Public Finance in Province of Santa Fe, member of Federal Commission for Taxes and National Senate’s Adviser (Argentina), and President of Two Centuries Foundation.

This event is hosted by the Argentine Embassy, The Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies (ANCLAS) and the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute (TTPI).

Wine and Empanadas will be served after the event.

Updated:  18 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team