Pages tagged by "Tax compliance"

Trying to make a good first impression: A natural field experiment to engage new entrants to the tax system

Very little is known about the compliance behavior of first-time taxpayers although their tax paying habits may affect the long-run functioning of a tax...

Improving tax compliance without increasing revenue: Evidence from population-wide randomized controlled trials in Papua New Guinea

This paper studies the impact of “nudges” on taxpayers with varying tax compliance histories in Papua New Guinea. We present the results from two...

Nudging businesses to pay their taxes: Does timing matter?

This paper provides theoretical and empirical evidence on the implications of the timing of reminders by studying the effect of varying the timing of...

Behavioural insights and business taxation: Evidence from two randomized controlled trials

This paper presents the findings of two Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) that were conducted in collaboration with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)...

Commitment to pay taxes: a field experiment on the importance of promise

The ability of a tax authority to successfully collect taxes depends critically on both its relationship with the taxpayers and how strongly these...

Updated:  17 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team