Public Seminar - The cost of raising an additional dollar of revenue

Image sourced from Flickr by Ben Hosking
Public Seminar

The cost of raising an additional dollar of revenue
Sebastian Wende
Wednesday 19 April 2017, 12.15-1.30pm

We quantify and compare the welfare loss from increasing government revenue using different tax instruments by applying the marginal excess burden approach. We use a dynamic general equilibrium, overlapping generations model calibrated to Australian data and primarily concentrate on three taxes: personal income tax, company income tax and consumption tax. Our results indicate that the company income tax is more distorting than the other two taxes. Specifically, the marginal excess burden for the company income tax is 83 cents per dollar of tax revenue raised, compared to 34 cents and 24 cents for the personal income tax and consumption tax, respectively. Moreover, the excess burden is distributed unevenly across skill types and ages, and over time. Our marginal excess burden analysis provides a simple but effective index for evaluating relative costs and benefits of different taxes at the margin.

More information and registration for this event is available on our events webpage.

Updated:  9 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team