Should the Treasurer be worried about the number of "zero net taxpayers"?

Image sourced from Flickr by acu-tax financial services

The Sydney Morning Herald
3 November 2016

In an address to Bloomberg on August 25, federal Treasurer Scott Morrison said “more Australians are likely today to be net beneficiaries of the government than contributors – never paying more tax than they receive in government payments. There is a new divide – the taxed and the taxed-nots.”

Estimates using ABS household statistics show that close to 50 per cent of the Australian population are “zero net taxpayers”. How is this sustainable and what does it mean? To clear up some myths and misconceptions, the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute has just published a detailed policy brief on “zero net taxpayers”.

Read the full article at the Sydney Morning Herald here.

Should we be worried about “zero net taxpayers”? by Peter Whiteford

Updated:  9 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team