CONFERENCE: What shall we do with company tax?
Monday 24 July - Tuesday 25 July 2017
Barton Theatre
JG Crawford Building
Audio and powerpoint downloads from the event available here.
The Tax and Transfer Policy Institute is holding an interdisciplinary academic and policy conference on the future of company tax. In a time of political and economic flux, from Trump to Brexit, tax competition to base erosion and profit shifting, the company tax is hotly debated. How important is the company tax, at home and abroad? Is it broke and does it need fixing? What reform options are available, ideal or pragmatic? What difference will company tax reform make to revenues, jobs and growth? How can we design the company tax for small businesses and multinational giants; digital industries and the resources sector; start-ups and listed firms? What difference, if any, for low income and high income countries? And is international cooperation, or tax competitiveness, the way forward?
Join us to debate one of the biggest tax policy challenges of the day, with keynote speakers including Professor Michael Devereux, Director of the Centre for Business Taxation at Oxford University and one of the architects of the Destination Cash Flow Corporate Tax that has been prominent in United States debates.
Updated: 9 September 2024/Responsible Officer: Crawford Engagement/Page Contact: CAP Web Team