Event postponements at Crawford School

15 March 2020

Related research centres

As a precautionary measure and based upon advice from an ANU expert panel, all public and social events at ANU including Crawford School have been cancelled until the end of semester one.

If you have registered for an upcoming event, we will email you to notify you of the cancellation.

Essential activities related to teaching and research, including tutorials, lectures, staff meetings, and community services like childcare and cafes will continue as normal at this stage.

Read more about the precautionary measures for COVID-19 on ANU campuses here: https://services-anu-edu-au.virtual.anu.edu.au/news-events/precautionary-measures-for-covid-19-on-anu-campuses

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Updated:  9 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team